3D Printing for academics – Part 1

Education is strongest in those societies which value and support their teachers and public education systems, and in which the morale of teachers is high.

The industrial revolution and automation of production processes are the foundation of our current educational system. Since, we live in a knowledge-based society; it is the time to upgrade our educational system and to lift it to the next level.

Knowledge based society refers to societies that are well educated, and who therefore rely on the knowledge of their citizens to drive the innovation, entrepreneurship and dynamism of that society’s economy.

If we look at the results of recent international studies on educational achievement in science and mathematics, we can see that the best results were achieved by countries which respect teachers and learning the most, and which have a high quality public teaching service.

3D Printing for academics:

It is important to distinguish between good and poor educational softwares and to learn how to use the new technology to get the best result from it. The current educational system will run smoothly if it is balanced by having good teachers and good educational softwares.

Today I am going to discuss about 3D printing in education. This article is a combination of various examples in innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of academics. We at 3D Prototyperz are actively promoting reflection on how best to use 3D printing technology to reach the unreached.

Let us see how 3D printers can support the teaching process:

In a study by Szulżyk-Cieplak it was found that, 3D printers give a boost to the teaching process. Computer aided designed (CAD) and printed physical models enhance student’s involvement and motivation in the class by enabling students to transfer their ideas into reality.


Printed models can let students understand a project’s strengths and weaknesses easily. Using 3D printers from early ages, students can to translate physical objects into CAD design and vice versa, which develops their creativity and imagination.

Revolutionizing the classroom:

Below are few examples of 3D printing applications in academics.



Are you intrigued and want to know more? I’ve got a collection of some cool case studies which we’ll look at tomorrow. So please stay tuned.

Please click here to know more about some 3D Printers manufactured by 3D Prototyperz
